The 4 best Puffy Hearts to use for Crystal Chakra Alignment


The 4 best Puffy Hearts to use for Crystal Chakra Alignment

Labradorite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, & Blue Kyanite are some of the best crystal puffy hearts for Chakra Energy & Alignment. Crystal hearts have dual-energy and are both a stone of the heart and a stone of the heart chakra. Both powers are essential for your health and happiness as you heal any emotional wounds in your life. When you work with crystal hearts that double as physical healing aids, they also help align your physical heart to perfect harmony with your emotional core. This will help balance the energy in your whole chakra system and support when you have some...

Puffy Hearts --- How to Use Puffy Crystal Hearts


Puffy Hearts --- How to Use Puffy Crystal Hearts

How to use puffy heart Puffy Hearts are one of the very best ways to carry your favorite crystals with you. I love them because they come in various sizes, from mini emerald hearts to huge hearts usually made of Clear Quartz or Rose Quartz. They are excellent energy tools and are a valuable way of keeping you vibrating with your crystals. They can be used for gridding, body layouts, carrying in your bra or pocket, special pouch, spread across your Altar, or placed in specific areas of your room, home, or office. There are endless uses for Puffy Hearts....

Wearing Your Favorite Crystals As Gemstone Jewelry | Mineral Goddess Crystals


Wearing Your Favorite Crystals As Gemstone Jewelry | Mineral Goddess Crystals

Gemstone jewelry is a great way to enhance your energy. Learn how you can wear your favorite crystals as "jewelry." Wearing your favorite crystals as gemstone jewelry is a great way to have that energy with you all the time. This is a safe way to have your beautiful crystals with you and feel the vibrations & power of the stones next to your skin. If you are like most people, you enjoy having your favorite things around you and especially on you; if you have a favorite crystal or two that you love to hold and feel their energy,...

Why I Love wearing Healing Energy Gems & Crystals | Mineral Goddess


Why I Love wearing Healing Energy Gems & Crystals | Mineral Goddess

A personal blog about the experience of using crystals and energy healing stones. Not all crystals are created equal, learn how to choose the best crystals & gemstones for your needs. How can I go anywhere without my crystals? Who would want to leave their favorite crystals at home? Not me, that's for sure! Seriously though, they are my one true love. Do you know how many times I've been asked why the heck do I need those little rocks in my pocket or on a necklace when there is an entire world of things to explore and live life?!...

Golden Healer Quartz -- A High Vibration Crystal with Golden Ray Energy


Golden Healer Quartz -- A High Vibration Crystal with Golden Ray Energy

Golden Healer Quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hexagonal crystal system and hardness of 7. These crystals are characterized by rich yellow coatings on part or all of their surfaces, caused by the presence of hematite; these were first excavated in Arkansas, USA, around the 1980s' period before being quickly recognized as having metaphysical properties. It's said that they bring about feelings of warmth and calmness to those who come into contact with them - coincidentally at just the same rate, it takes for this coating to form (caused when ambient oxygen interacts with iron oxide). Golden Healers...

Kunzite -- How To Care For & What It Is Used For Spiritual Practices -- How To Clean My Kunzite


Kunzite -- How To Care For & What It Is Used For Spiritual Practices -- How To Clean My Kunzite

WHAT IS KUNZITE USED FOR? Kunzite opens your heart to the loving energy of the universe, such as self-love, interpersonal Love, Love for humanity, animals, plants, and minerals. It is also a way for the heart to connect with divine Love. Kunzite can help you connect with and feel this Love by embracing all other types of Love in your life. This includes Love for yourself, romantic partners, children, or other family members or friends. When you are ready to feel divine energy, it will come naturally because it emanates from within us through our heart, and when we genuinely feel...

Chlorite Phantom Quartz -- Mineral Information, Metaphysical Properties & Affirmations


Chlorite Phantom Quartz -- Mineral Information, Metaphysical Properties & Affirmations

Chlorite is the name for a group of minerals so closely related that they are extremely difficult to distinguish from one another. The best known type is Clinochlore, a magnesium iron aluminum silicate with a hardness of 2 to 2.5. Its crystals are tabular, although Clinochlore also occurs in massive, foliated, scaly, granular or earthy habits. There is notable chemical variety in the Clinochlore minerals, which includes such species as Seraphinite, Cookeite and Kammererite. Clinochlore itself is most often green, though it may be white, yellowish, colorless or (rarely) purple. Sometimes, during the growth cycle of certain Quartz crystals, a...

Cacoxenite -- Properties, Chakra, & Affirmations for Cacoxenite


Cacoxenite -- Properties, Chakra, &  Affirmations for Cacoxenite

What Is Cacoxenite Cacoxenite is a gold, yellow or brownish-colored inclusion sometimes found in Quartz or Amethyst. It forms within these crystals in fuzzy-looking lines or strands that can be mistaken for Rutile. Some of the finest Cacoxenite/Amethyst specimens have been found in Arizona, USA, but excellent specimens come from Brazil, too.   Cacoxenite, also known as the "stone of rebirth," is a stone that assists one in spiritual evolution and creates an energy field to reprogram cells. This process can be initiated consciously through meditation or dream work, but it often happens unconsciously by simply wearing or carrying Cacoxenite...

Blue Kyanite -- Metaphysical Properties & Affirmations


Blue Kyanite -- Metaphysical Properties & Affirmations

Blue Kyanite stones have a high vibration and create very rapid transfers of energy. They open the psychic channels and activate the mind centers, accentuating one's mental capacities and enhancing one's ability to 'download' information from higher sources. Using Blue Kyanites for telepathic communication between individuals can make things easier if both parties contact them at once - especially when those two people might be sleeping together! Choose to sleep with this stone during lucid dreaming periods that occur throughout your slumbering night. There will likely be an increased chance of experiencing various visions or dream states relating specifically to...

Blue Apatite -- The Metaphysical Properties --


Blue Apatite -- The Metaphysical Properties --

Blue Apatite is a stone that has some great qualities. First, its cleansing influence on the auric field can help you be more aware of your thoughts and how they affect those around you. Second, it stimulates visionary states so that one may engage in lucid dreaming or astral travel while sleeping with this crystal nearby, and lastly, it enhances our ability to see multiple levels of consciousness simultaneously - even if we're not asleep! Blue apatite aids us when connecting mental bodies associated with psychic perception and paranormal abilities like intuition. By holding onto Blue Apatite during sleep time,...

Ametrine: Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties of a High Vibration Crystal


Ametrine: Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties of a High Vibration Crystal

When you want to amplify your spiritual energy, merge with the mind for insight and creativity at a new level. Ametrine is an energizing stone that balances both intellect and spirituality. It stimulates intuition while also providing protection from outside forces as well as clarity on one's own thoughts.Ametrine combines properties of Citrine (for mental focus) and Amethyst (to clear out bad habits). This blend often leads to "insightful revelations" or creative flows in consciousness when worn by people who have moved beyond addiction but don't yet fully understand their personal power - this can be someone coming off drugs/alcohol,...

The Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst Crystals


The Metaphysical Properties of Amethyst Crystals

Amethyst crystals have a wide range of metaphysical properties, some of which are spiritual protection and healing. Amethyst is an excellent stone to work with when trying to make life changes or need the courage to take on new challenges. Amethysts also help in the manifestation process. If you want something more than what you currently have, then this crystal can be used for that purpose as well!   What are the metaphysical properties of Amethyst?    Amethyst: The Crystal of Spiritual Protection The calming, healing energies within Amethyst crystals have been used by metaphysical healers for centuries to protect against...