Crystal Protection Set -- Labradorite, Moonstone & Black Tourmaline


Crystal Protection Set -- Labradorite, Moonstone & Black Tourmaline

You're living in a world that's increasingly full of uncertainty. Of course, uncertainty is not a new phenomenon, but the pace and scale of change today seem to be increasing it. The Crystal Protection Set is a response to this situation. It is an approach to uncertainty that can help you choose your path and avoid being directed by forces outside your control.If you foresee or are already in a situation where things could go wrong, the Crystal Protection Set centers on making choices based upon power, not fear. The ability to choose freely is a fundamental right of all...

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra


Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra Balancing Pink Tourmaline Healing Properties It is said to encourage self-love, heal emotional wounds, and attract positive relationships. Additionally, it is thought to be a powerful healer of the heart and can help to open up the wearer to receive more love in their life. Balances the Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra is the center of love, compassion, and balance. It's the bridge between our physical and spiritual bodies, and it's the part that balances our upper and lower chakras. When you're feeling out of touch with yourself, your heart chakra is probably...

Blue Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties


Blue Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties

Blue Tourmaline, also known as the shaman stone, is a powerful metaphysically grounding and protective crystal. Blue Tourmaline can help with physical healing, and it will work on any part of the body where there are challenges. Blue Tourmaline has many different metaphysical purposes, but some of the more common uses include: providing protection against psychic attacks; bringing deep calm and serenity to one who carries it or wears it; alleviating anger, fear, and anxiety; providing gentle energy release from addictions; help with sleep disturbances or insomnia.Blue Tourmaline amplifies energy, both positive and negative. When carried or worn by someone...

Green Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties


Green Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties

The Green Tourmaline is a heart chakra and high vibration crystal. Its colors range from light green to dark green, and it has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. The tourmaline crystals are said to have the power to balance yin and yang energies and also transmute negativity into goodness.Why is Green Tourmaline good for me?Green Tourmaline is an energetic stone that helps to balance and align all of the chakras. This makes it a potent tool for healers, shamans, intuitive and lightworkers.Green Tourmaline is also said to be effective against radiation exposure, including radioactive material....

Amethyst Metaphysical & Chakra Properties


Amethyst Metaphysical & Chakra Properties

The high vibration of Amethyst is helpful when you feel out of balance and find it difficult to cope with the hectic nature of life. Amethyst is a calming crystal that will aid in helping you to be less affected by the world around you. It can help you find true happiness within yourself, which may have been forgotten about due to the stresses of life. The high vibration of Amethyst can also be beneficial if you're feeling disconnected from your spiritual self and overcoming any challenges that come across one's path.The Crown Chakra governs our view on things and...

Clear Quartz Healing Properties & Uses


Clear Quartz Healing Properties & Uses

Clear Quartz is a master healer crystal. It does not have a polarity and can amplify the energy of whatever it touches. Clear Quartz is also suitable for manifesting purposes, which means that it can help you bring your desires into reality. This stone has a very high vibration and works well with all chakras. It carries a strong healing vibration and is one of the most powerful stones for removing negative energy. In addition, clear Quartz has been shown to be able to cleanse other crystals of their impurities and re-energize them in the process.Clear Quartz provides clarity on...

Scolecite Metaphysical Properties & Healing Uses


Scolecite Metaphysical Properties & Healing Uses

Scolecite is a high vibrational crystal that holds the energies of love and light, purifying and enhancing it.This property can bring clarity to your spiritual path by helping you recognize any blocks or false beliefs that are standing in the way of your love for yourself and others. Scolecite teaches us how to experience life from a loving perspective fully. It helps you develop compassion for yourself and others and allows you to express love freely.Scolecite also dramatically assists with healing work by helping in the purification of all types of energy.Scolecite strongly connects to the color violet (violet flame)...

Labradorite Properties


Labradorite Properties

Labradorite holds the energies of transformation, magic, and mystery. It awakens one's sense of intuition and channels information from other dimensions or higher selves. Labradorite is a stone that opens the mind to new ideas, opportunities, and increased awareness on all levels of being. Labradorite assists with astral travel by allowing the body to move into an out-of-the-body experience more easily.When working with Labradorite during your daily spiritual practice, focus on a specific intention that you would like to manifest in your life. Meditate upon it and keep returning your thoughts to the manifestation process and what needs to happen...

Golden Healer Quartz -- A High Vibration Crystal with Golden Ray Energy


Golden Healer Quartz -- A High Vibration Crystal with Golden Ray Energy

Golden Healer Quartz is a silicon dioxide mineral with a hexagonal crystal system and hardness of 7. These crystals are characterized by rich yellow coatings on part or all of their surfaces, caused by the presence of hematite; these were first excavated in Arkansas, USA, around the 1980s' period before being quickly recognized as having metaphysical properties. It's said that they bring about feelings of warmth and calmness to those who come into contact with them - coincidentally at just the same rate, it takes for this coating to form (caused when ambient oxygen interacts with iron oxide). Golden Healers...

Ametrine: Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties of a High Vibration Crystal


Ametrine: Metaphysical & Spiritual Properties of a High Vibration Crystal

When you want to amplify your spiritual energy, merge with the mind for insight and creativity at a new level. Ametrine is an energizing stone that balances both intellect and spirituality. It stimulates intuition while also providing protection from outside forces as well as clarity on one's own thoughts.Ametrine combines properties of Citrine (for mental focus) and Amethyst (to clear out bad habits). This blend often leads to "insightful revelations" or creative flows in consciousness when worn by people who have moved beyond addiction but don't yet fully understand their personal power - this can be someone coming off drugs/alcohol,...

Amethyst: A Long Royal History


Amethyst: A Long Royal History

Amethyst has long been prized for its beauty and legendary energies for thousands and thousands of years. Neolithic people in Europe used it at least as early as 25,000 B.C., and in ancient Egypt Amethyst was made into beads and amulets, and used by Kings and Queens. Early Greek and Roman societies placed high value on Amethyst, placing a royal stone in crowns, scepters, or bishops' rings. The name Amethyst comes from a Greek word meaning "not drunken," derived from an ancient myth that explains its derivation: The god Bacchus decreed that the first person he met would be eaten...

Clear Quartz -- The Master Healer Crystal


Clear Quartz -- The Master Healer Crystal

When it comes to crystals, many people are drawn to the beautiful variety of colors and shapes. However, Clear Quartz has a special place in the heart of many crystal enthusiasts because it is so versatile and has so much power. You can use this mineral for healing, spiritual growth, balancing your energy field, and much more! In today's blog post, we will explore what Clear Quartz is used for as well as how to use them to best benefit your needs. What is Clear Quartz? Clear Quartz is a Master Healer Crystal. This beautiful crystal is made up of...