Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra


Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra

Pink Tourmaline Meaning and Properties: Pink Tourmaline Chakra Balancing Pink Tourmaline Healing Properties It is said to encourage self-love, heal emotional wounds, and attract positive relationships. Additionally, it is thought to be a powerful healer of the heart and can help to open up the wearer to receive more love in their life. Balances the Heart Chakra The Heart Chakra is the center of love, compassion, and balance. It's the bridge between our physical and spiritual bodies, and it's the part that balances our upper and lower chakras. When you're feeling out of touch with yourself, your heart chakra is probably...

Purple Tourmaline Crystals Healing & Chakra Uses


Purple Tourmaline is the color of royalty and was considered sacred in Atlantis. This stone connects one with Divine Intelligence, healing, and self-mastery. It is a powerful stone for manifestation, promotes spiritual awareness, and motivates you to achieve your highest potential.Purple Tourmaline crystals are used for chronic pain, anxiety/depression, insomnia (difficulty sleeping), irritability (especially children), focusing during meditation/prayer & protection from psychic attack while working with the Third Eye Chakra. These stones help to move energy blockages out of the body by absorbing negative energies into them. They are often worn or carried when meditating because they enhance meditation due...

Blue Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties


Blue Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties

Blue Tourmaline, also known as the shaman stone, is a powerful metaphysically grounding and protective crystal. Blue Tourmaline can help with physical healing, and it will work on any part of the body where there are challenges. Blue Tourmaline has many different metaphysical purposes, but some of the more common uses include: providing protection against psychic attacks; bringing deep calm and serenity to one who carries it or wears it; alleviating anger, fear, and anxiety; providing gentle energy release from addictions; help with sleep disturbances or insomnia.Blue Tourmaline amplifies energy, both positive and negative. When carried or worn by someone...

Green Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties


Green Tourmaline Metaphysical & Chakra Properties

The Green Tourmaline is a heart chakra and high vibration crystal. Its colors range from light green to dark green, and it has a hardness of 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale. The tourmaline crystals are said to have the power to balance yin and yang energies and also transmute negativity into goodness.Why is Green Tourmaline good for me?Green Tourmaline is an energetic stone that helps to balance and align all of the chakras. This makes it a potent tool for healers, shamans, intuitive and lightworkers.Green Tourmaline is also said to be effective against radiation exposure, including radioactive material....

How To Use Tourmalines for Meditations


How To Use Tourmalines for Meditations

An excellent way to use tourmaline is to put a piece of it in your hand. Tourmaline in its natural form can be used as an energy conductor position in a crystal formation. It calms the mind and helps focus thoughts. It aligns the chakras and brings in energy from higher dimensions.When placed on the skin, tourmaline is said to heal and regenerate nerve damage. Tourmaline is also used for its qualities of protection from radiation (EMF's). In addition, it offers shielding from outside negative energies and influences such as spirits, psychic vampires & general ill will. Tourmaline can clear...