Labradorite Properties
Labradorite holds the energies of transformation, magic, and mystery. It awakens one's sense of intuition and channels information from other dimensions or higher selves. Labradorite is a stone that opens the mind to new ideas, opportunities, and increased awareness on all levels of being. Labradorite assists with astral travel by allowing the body to move into an out-of-the-body experience more easily.

When working with Labradorite during your daily spiritual practice, focus on a specific intention that you would like to manifest in your life. Meditate upon it and keep returning your thoughts to the manifestation process and what needs to happen for you to see the manifestation occur. Honor the steps that need to appear for your manifestation to happen. Allow the universe time to work its magic, but trust in the process and know that you are a part of it.

Labradorite helps one enter altered states of consciousness without pain or fear; it is excellent at removing nightmares and other forms of sleep disturbances. Dreaming becomes vivid and lucid with Labradorite. It is also known to bring good fortune and abundance and assist in attaining personal power.

Labradorite supports one during times of change, stimulating the evolution of consciousness towards enlightenment. Labradorite enhances self-confidence and creativity, encouraging exploration of new directions. The stone of transformation, intuition and magic, Labradorite assists in attuning to the vibrations of higher realms.

Labradorite is a stone that opens the mind to new ideas, opportunities, and increased awareness on all levels of being. Labradorite assists with astral travel by allowing the body to move into an out-of-the-body experience more easily. When working with Labradorite during your daily spiritual practice, focus on a specific intention that you would like to manifest in your life. Meditate upon it and keep returning your thoughts back to the manifestation process and what needs to happen for you to see the manifestation occur. Honor the steps that need to happen for your manifestation to occur. Allow the universe time to work its magic, but trust in the process and know that you are a part of it.

Labradorite helps one enter altered states of consciousness without pain or fear; it is excellent at removing nightmares and other forms of sleep disturbances. Dreaming becomes vivid and lucid with Labradorite. It is also known to bring good fortune and abundance and assist in attaining personal power.

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