The 6 Best Crystals To Use For Mercury Retrograde - Crystals To Survive and Protect During Mercury Retrograde


The 6 Best Crystals To Use For Mercury Retrograde - Crystals To Survive and Protect During Mercury Retrograde

6 Best Crystals to Use To Survive and Protect Yourself During Mercury Retrograde  What is Mercury Retrograde? Mercury Retrograde is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs three times a year, when Mercury appears to be moving backwards in its orbit around the Sun. Mercury Retrograde is a time of release and renewal, but it can also be a time of confusion and miscommunication. As Mercury moves through the skies, it makes its way through each sign of the zodiac every three months. These periods are known as Mercury Retrograde, or when Mercury appears to be moving backwards in the sky. Mercury Retrograde...

Citrine Affirmations: Citrine for Success, Prosperity and Abundance


Citrine Affirmations: Citrine for Success, Prosperity and Abundance

Citrine Affirmations: Citrine Crystals for Success, Prosperity and Abundance   What is Citrine? Citrine is a yellow or orange variety of quartz that is often used in jewelry. It is named after the city of Citrine in France. Citrine is a quartz family mineral that ranges in color from yellow to reddish-orange. The citrine crystal is known for its high vibration frequency and can be used to increase happiness, creativity, and prosperity. Citrine has been associated with the 3rd chakra (solar plexus) for ages and has also been used as a tool for healing by meditating or reciting affirmations daily....

The Best Crystals for Gratitude - Citrine & Gold Rutile


The Best Crystals for Gratitude - Citrine & Gold Rutile

Best Crystals for Gratitude  Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools in a crystal healer's arsenal. But it's also important to keep in mind that not all crystals are created equal, making it essential to work with the highest quality stones possible when performing crystal healing for gratitude. Crystals have been used for millennia for their healing properties, including to soothe and center the soul. We've all heard that crystals can help us with our wishes, like getting a new car or finding a boyfriend. But what you might not realize is that crystals can also help you feel...

Best Crystals for Positive Energy


Best Crystals for Positive Energy

Best Crystals for Positive Energy Positive energy can be yours with the use of crystals. Negative energy is known to block positive energy. Having crystals on hand is a magical and natural way to release negative energy, improve your mood and help you stay happy and get more accomplished. Positive Energy Crystals & Gemstones  Crystals and gemstones have always been associated with positivity and have been used by people since ages to combat negative energy. A crystal is a form of mineral, made up of one or more forms of the same chemical element, that has a characteristic form that...

Labradorite & Citrine


Labradorite & Citrine

Labradorite Pairs With Citrine  Labradorite and Citrine are two stones that I have had in my personal collection for quite a long time. While I have written about them before, I thought it was about time for an update and to talk about how they work together. Labradorite has been a personal favorite of mine since I first began working with crystals several years ago and it always has been one of my most powerful healing stones. Labradorite and Citrine Crystals Paired  Labradorite is a stone of transformation, protection and magic. It helps clear away negative energies and aid in manifesting your...