Labradorite -- Properties, Benefits & Chakras

Labradorite is a gemstone. Labradorite is the stone of magic and divination. Labradorite is a crystal of Wind element stone. Labradorite awakens one's own awareness of their innate magical powers and assists in making them manifest. Labradorite can be used to help ground, center and balance energy while also being great for attunement and channeling. Labradorite's high energy level makes it a very effective Third Eye Chakra stone with the capacity to increase intuition and psychic visions. Labradorite activates wisdom energies from both sides of the brain, bringing logical analysis, intellect, and intuition into alignment so one can think clearly while maintaining faith in decisions made from intuitive messages received through divination or dreams/visions.

Labradorite is said to be an excellent stone for meditation as well as dream recall due to its ability to activate vision and visualization and its ability to open up one's intuition. Labradorite also assists in accessing past lives by opening the gates to higher awareness. Labradorite is a stone of magic, awakening those who carry or wear it to their own innate magical powers; Labradorite is a good grounding stone that has the capacity to clear away negative energy and replace it with positive energy, bringing luck, prosperity and abundance for all areas of life.
Labradorite activates your 3rd eye, allowing you to envision more clearly past, present, and future events , and worlds both distant and nearby. Labradorite can provide glimpses of other times, places, or people, including those who are not physically incarnate at that moment but whose spiritual essence is still alive within the stone. Labradorite connects one to their own personal power and allows them to tap into it more effectively - Labradorite's power lies in its ability to reveal hidden knowledge and wisdom so it is important for seekers after this knowledge to listen intently so as not to miss what Labradorite may have revealed during meditation. Labradorite also enhances psychic ability, opening up your inner vision so that you are able to see clearly auras surrounding all living things, plants as well as animals. Labradorite enables you, therefore not merely to read the human aura, but to interpret what you see within it. Labradorite can more clearly envision the past, present, and future, both distant worlds and places. Labradorite allows you to see either in actual pictures or in symbolic form things that others do not see at all or are incapable of understanding when told about them. Labradorite is a stone of magic , awakening in those who carry or wear it awareness of their innate magical powers. Labradorite also protects from any negativity sent your way by individuals jealous or envious of your talents - Because Labradorite can focus on a situation with intensity without being diverted by extraneous thoughts , there is an inner power which makes possible certain extrasensory perception abilities . Labradorite's ability to make one aware of other states and dimensions of being, Labradorite is effective in rituals where astral travel or seances are desired. Labradorite can also act as a bridge to bring healing light from the Angelic realms . Labradorite has strong healing powers , Labradorite's ability to make one aware of other states and dimensions of being, Labradorite is effective in rituals where astral travel or seances are desired. Labradorite can also act as a bridge to bring healing light from the Angelic realms . Labradorite has strong healing power, both physically and spiritually - it is particularly helpful for those who are psychically sensitive and tend to pick up negative energies from others around them. It provides protection by clearing out negative energies that might otherwise be trapped within the body, preventing them from being recycled back into the aura. Labradorite is a stone of magic, awakening in those who carry or wear it awareness of their innate magical powers Labradorite can provide glimpses of other times, places, or people
Labradorite can also lead you to distant worlds or places that are not visible to the naked eye . Labradorite is closely related to the element of air, which represents our ability to see without being seen. Labradorite is a stone that reacts strongly with the energy of place. If you hold or carry Labradorite for some time in a particular spot, and then pass it on to someone else, their experiences will be subtly different from yours. Labradorite brings hidden information into consciousness .

Labradorite helps one understand how time works so they can use it creatively as an ally instead of feeling overwhelmed by its constant movement and change. It is also useful in the process of knowing thy self while becoming what you are destined to be . Labradorite provides us with hope during trying times, instilling us with courage when our path seems dark. This stone stimulates imagination andLabradorite is the gemstone of magic, it awakens in those who carry or wear it the awareness of your own innate magical powers. original thought, aiding us in bringing our dreams into reality. Labradorite helps us face change with grace and inspiration . Labradorite can be used as a catalyst for past life work; during meditation, Labradorite releases traumatic memories of this lifetime so that we may examine them and assimilate their lessons. Labradorite's visionary energy draws upon the wisdom of other lifetimes, expanding awareness to transcend duality and experience higher states of consciousness - Labradorite makes it easier to see visions when one is journeying or dreaming . Labradorite is especially useful for those who are planning a spiritual path, as it aids one in knowing ones self while becoming what they are destined to become. Labradorite provides hope during trying times.
Labradorite awakens intuition when used during meditation Labradorite stimulates imagination and original thought Labradorite allows a person to see visions when journeying Labradorite aids in dream recall Labradorite is especially useful for those who are planning a spiritual path Labradorite aids one in knowing ones self while becoming what they are destined to become Labradorite provides hope during trying times Labradorites energy stimulates the crown chakra, allowing us to be more connected with nature, our true selves, and the divine
Labradorite is helpful for those who do astral travel. Accompanied by other gemstones that open inner sight, Labradorite activates all levels of consciousness simultaneously; stimulating awareness on many different levels. Labradorite helps you find your own answers as well as providing you with insights about life.Labradorite is the gemstone of magic, it awakens in those who carry or wear it the awareness of your own innate magical powers.

Labradorite awakens your imagination and brings original thoughts into being Labradorite is especially useful for those who are planning a spiritual path Labradorite aids one in knowing ones self while becoming what they are destined to become Labradorite provides hope during trying times Labradorites energy stimulates the crown chakra, allowing us to be more connected with nature, our true selves, and the divine Labradorite helps you find your own answers as well as providing you with insights about life Labradorite awakens your imagination and brings original thoughts into being Labradorites energy stimulates the crown chakra, allowing us to be more connected with nature, our true selves, and the divine Labradorite makes it easier to see visions when one is journeying or dreaming. Labradorite is especially useful for many crystal energy healing modalities.
Labradorite awakens intuition when used during meditation Labradorite stimulates imagination and original thought Labradorite allows a person to see visions when journeying Labradorite aids in dream recall Labradorite is especially useful for those who are planning a spiritual path Labradorite aids one in knowing ones self while becoming what they are destined to become Labradorite provides hope during trying times Labradorites energy stimulates the crown chakra, allowing us to be more connected with nature, our true selves, and the divine Labradorite is helpful for those who do astral travel. Accompanied by other gemstones that open inner sight, Labradorite activates all levels of consciousness simultaneously; stimulating awareness on many different levels. Labradorite helps you find your own answers as well.

Labradorite is one of the most beautiful stones and can be found in many colors. Labradorite assists with our perception of the world, amplifying intuition and imagination. Labradorite is said to inspire creativity by enhancing communication with the inner self. Labradorite also enhances creativity by providing a pathway for thoughts to flow more easily through speech and writing. Labradorite encourages us to think about how we are feeling and enables us to reach an emotional balance when we are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Labradorite helps us work through emotions while at the same time enhancing our ability to make decisions. Labradorite is also great for deepening friendships by fostering communication between all involved parties during conflicts that might arise. Labradorite is a stone of transformation, helping us become more stable. Labradorite works with all Chakras to attract abundance and prosperity to the user. Labradorite is also a great dream stone, helping us remember our dreams and use them as a learning experience to make changes in our waking life. Labradorite can be used for protection from psychic attacks or other forms of negativity. Labradorite is often known as an "all-purpose" crystal as it helps with The Chakra Healing & Balancing Kit - Labradorite Labradorite can be found in many colors. Labradorites are usually opaque stones, but some may be translucent such as the darker Labradorites, which are often referred to as sea-foam Labradorites due to their coloration or water Labradorites due to their translucency..

Labradorite can be found in Australia, Canada, India, and Madagascar.