Blue Kyanite Meaning & Properties

Blue Kyanite's energy is very high vibrational and is a powerful stone to aid communication and self-expression. Its energy will stimulate the Throat Chakra so you can connect with the highest guidance to express yourself clearly.

Blue Kyanite's energy is very high vibrational and is a powerful stone to aid communication and self-expression. Its energy will stimulate the Throat Chakra so you can connect with the highest guidance to express yourself clearly.

Blue Kyanite can help you communicate what you want to say and also help you understand others more fully. It’s an excellent stone to use when communicating with other people in business, meetings or negotiations as it will create a positive atmosphere that is conducive for clear communication.

You can also combine Blue Kyanite with a meditation practice as it helps one connect to higher levels of consciousness making it easier to meditate on one's path and purpose in life.

What is Blue Kyanite?

Blue Kyanite is a high vibrational crystal that channels spiritual light and activates the throat chakra. As a stone of communication, it amplifies your ability to speak your truth. It is an excellent stone for accessing the higher self at all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – and encourages you to make real change in your life. Blue Kyanite’s distinct fan-like appearance makes it a powerful ally when seeking assistance from spirit guides or other non-physical entities, as it easily guides energy up from the base chakra through the heart center into the higher vibration of the throat chakra where intuition lives.

There are many different types of kyanite but blue kyanite is most commonly used for communication purposes. The first time I encountered this stone in my own journey was about two years ago during a trip to Sedona, AZ. My favorite shop there has one wall filled with gems and minerals that I like to spend quiet time with but on this day, something kept bringing me back to an unassuming blue bladed stone that looked like a knife or large toothpick. Wondering what it was called after spending some time sitting with it while meditating in nature later that day I learned this is what we call Blue Kyanite.

Blue Kyanite Properties

The vibrational energy of Blue Kyanite is very high, which makes it a powerful crystal for psychic abilities. It can be used to increase clairvoyance and clairaudience as well as telepathy, astral travel and remote viewing. This can make it a good choice if you want to develop or strengthen your psychic abilities. Its high vibration also makes it useful for meditation, especially when you are working with your psychic gifts.

While Blue Kyanite is a very strong tool for developing your psychic powers, it has many other properties that make it an excellent stone to use in your healing work. One of its main uses is communication and this can include both speaking and being able to listen mindfully. If you have issues with communicating clearly or hearing others properly then this is a good stone to work with as it will help you express your thoughts more precisely while also allowing you to listen more carefully so that you hear what someone else is really saying instead of just what their words mean on the surface level.

Scientific Properties of Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is a member of the Silicates group. It forms in a columnar habit with two directions of perfect cleavage at 90 degrees to one another. Blue Kyanite is usually found in contact metamorphic rocks, often along with Sillimanite and often in association with Garnets and Staurolite.

Most Blue Kyanite comes from Brazil, India, Austria, Kenya and Switzerland. The bladed crystals can be very long but are almost always slender - rarely thicker than 10mm in width or thickness.

Kyanite was discovered around 1800 by Abraham Gottlob Werner and named after the Greek word for "blue", kuanos or kyanos (κυανος).

Metaphysical Properties of Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite may be the most important tool for psychic communication of all Kyanites. It is a path clearer, meaning Blue Kyanite will clear any energetic blockages in the body and open up your mind to receive high vibrational information from your higher self, guides, or angels. Blue kyanite can also stimulate telepathic communication with family members or friends who are not on the physical plane.

As Blue Kyanite is a tool that helps you to remain calm when communicating with others it is an excellent alternative to Lapis Lazuli for those wanting to enhance charisma and eloquence in their speech. The energy of this stone opens up your throat chakra as well as increasing intuition and calming anxiety. This combination makes it perfect for anyone needing help presenting their ideas or speaking publicly in front of groups of people.

The vibration of this stone also facilitates expression through creative outlets like music or art. Those wishing to express themselves through these mediums will find the creative thought-process enhanced by using Blue Kyanite stones while creating art or playing music.

Blue Kyanite Meaning

Blue kyanite is known for its high vibrational energy. It is one of the best tools for psychic communication and also a powerful healing crystal. If you are looking to answer your soul's calling, this stone will help you discover your purpose. Blue Kyanite is especially helpful in communication, opening the throat chakra to speak your truth and listen empathically to others.

It helps you connect with spirit guides and other members of the angelic realm as well as different beings in alternate dimensions. This stone will expand your perspective, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of your life's path and the people who are on it with you.

If you are seeking answers regarding love or career, Blue Kyanite can spark insightful visions that provide clarity and guidance through difficult situations.

Magical Properties of Blue Kyanite

Imbued with the powerful energy of Mercury, Blue Kyanite is a stone of powerful and practical magic.

It can help you to connect with your higher self, the Divine and the higher realms.

Blue Kyanite is also an excellent tool to use in connecting with your spirit guides, angels and guardian angels.

Blue Kyanite can also help you to connect with spirit animals.

Zodiac/Astrological Properties of Blue Kyanite

The zodiac is a great tool for helping you choose crystal allies that will support you in your daily life. If you're someone who believes in astrology and are interested in using the zodiac to guide your crystal choices, here's what each sign needs to know about blue kyanite:

  • Taurus. The birthstone of Taurus is blue kyanite, which brings calming and grounding energies to those born under this sign. Blue kyanite can soothe and stabilize you when the demands of everyday life become overwhelming.

  • Aries. Aries is one of the signs associated with blue kyanite, which means it can be a powerful ally for those born under this sign. Blue kyanite helps align an Aries' energy with their true passion—making it ideal for people who are ready to be more focused and take action toward their goals.

  • Libra. Libra is another sign associated with blue kyanite, which means it's a good choice for those born under this sign when they want more balance in their lives or need help making a decision between two options that feel equally appealing. Kyanite helps Libras have deeper insights into their lives that help them make decisions without sacrificing their values or wellbeing. If you don't know whether or not to take on a certain job offer or partnership, meditating with blue kyanite can provide clarity on what your best choice is right now (even if it doesn't feel like what you would normally choose).

  • Sagittarius. The final zodiac sign associated with blue kyanite is Sagittarius! This crystal helps bring grounding energies into the often flighty life of someone born under Sagittarius—it encourages them to consider how their plans will affect themselves and others before acting on impulse, which makes it easier for them to achieve real results from all of their brainstorming and problem solving efforts.

Blue Kyanite Chakra Properties

Blue Kyanite is one of the few stones that never needs to be cleared or cleansed. It helps to balance, align and clear all chakras, so it is an excellent tool for your spiritual growth.

It works primarily with the throat chakra but can also assist in connecting with any chakra you are working on. Use Kyanite when you wish to communicate clearly and effectively. It has a soothing energy that brings tranquility.

Traditionally, Kyanite was thought to help open psychic abilities and access one's higher self by opening the third eye and crown chakras. This stone also enhances meditation, which can be a great help if you're new at meditating or if you find it difficult to quiet your mind while meditating

Blue Kyanite Healing Properties

Blue Kyanite has very high vibrations that aid communication and self-expression on all levels. It helps you link into your subtle psychic abilities so you can communicate with spirit and receive high level guidance. This stone supports you to make contact with spiritual teachers, guides or angels and to access the Akashic Records.

This crystal is especially helpful for people who are just beginning to develop their psychic abilities or have not previously allowed themselves to actively explore this area of their lives. Blue Kyanite helps you to speak your truth in a calm, clear way that resonates with others, which can be particularly useful when delivering messages from spirit, as well as when communicating in more everyday situations.

Blue Kyanite Spiritual Healing Energy

Blue Kyanite's high vibration energy is a bridge between the physical and spiritual realm. It also serves as an energetic buffer, helping to clear and protect from external negative forces. Blue Kyanite is perfect for meditation and aligns all chakras automatically by connecting us to our highest selves.

Blue Kyanite is ideal for dream work, past life regression or channeling. It facilitates astral travel and aids in healing the emotional body. Blue Kyanite can enhance intuition, psychic awareness and telepathy when used with other crystals during meditation or energy work. It can help to open our mind to receive information during automatic writing sessions and psychometry readings. The crystal also boosts clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience abilities while protecting us from negative energies before we even encounter them.

Blue Kyanite Emotional Healing Energy

Blue Kyanite has powerful emotional healing energy. Its vibration helps you to release stress and anger, and to help you to find a calm state of mind once again.

It may help you to forgive yourself, or others for what has happened in the past. It assists you in moving forward into a more positive emotional state, and it resonates within the throat chakra.

This lovely stone will also aid your connection with your higher self and is wonderful for helping communication between people who are experiencing difficulties with one another.

It may help you to resolve conflicts which have been ongoing, as it can soothe emotions that contribute towards long-term arguments between people who care deeply about one another but have been unable to find an effective way of working through their differences.

Blue Kyanite strengthens your ability to channel information from the higher dimensions and express it clearly with wisdom and discernment. It will help you develop your psychic gifts, linking to your Third Eye and Crown Chakras, as well as other chakras as required.

Blue Kyanite aligns all chakras, and can be used to open them as well. This alignment is fast and effective, with no residue or side effects. Blue kyanite will not retain negative energy and never requires clearing or cleansing. Use the smooth edge of a tumbled stone for sweeping away energy blockages from the body’s energy field. Kyanite can also be used to balance yin-yang energies, as it both stimulates and calms at the same time. You may want to wear blue Kyanite for protection when projecting your astral body on Out of Body Experiences (OBEs), or just before meditating on the higher spiritual dimensions.

Blue Kyanite has very high vibrations that aid communication and self-expression on all levels.

Blue Kyanite has very high vibrations that aid communication and self-expression on all levels.

Because of this, it is a wonderful stone for public speakers, actors or anyone who uses their communication abilities to express themselves in public or in private. The blue crystals are Aligners of the Throat Chakra, so will aid you with your own creative expression, to speak your truth with clarity and be heard.

The natural frequency within the stone aligns you with higher guidance. This makes it a wonderful crystal for those who do readings of any kind, or need to connect with universal energies during times when they are doing energy work on others.

It helps you link into your subtle psychic abilities so you can communicate with spirit and receive high level guidance.

Blue Kyanite is here to help you link into your subtle psychic abilities so you can communicate with spirit and receive high level guidance.

You may find that Blue Kyanite helps you connect with the higher dimensions, fine tune your intuition, and sense energies more clearly.

It can be an especially helpful stone to use when doing any sort of spiritual work or developing your psychic abilities.

It helps you explore past life issues that may be affecting you in the present time, allowing insights into emotional problems or belief systems that are no longer helpful.

Blue Kyanite is a unique stone that can be used to explore past life issues that may be affecting your current life. The energy of Blue Kyanite helps you understand the emotional and subconscious issues you are facing. It also helps you determine if your belief systems are still serving you. If they are not, Blue Kyanite can help guide you to alternative beliefs and ways of being in the world.

Blue Kyanite is useful for uncovering past life problems or trauma that may have left energetic imprints on your aura or chakras. You can work with Blue Kyanite while meditating or sleeping to allow insights into past life issues that might be affecting your present time experience of emotionality or belief systems.

Blue Kyanite can help your mind, body and soul connect through psychic communication and healing.

  • Blue Kyanite can help your mind, body and soul connect through psychic communication and healing.

  • Once you have a solid connection to blue kyanite, it can help you overcome stressful situations.

  • It is a very gentle stone that helps you connect to the past and communicate with others without fear or judgement.

  • This is because it helps protect you from negative energy, which will prevent you from becoming overwhelmed by emotions or events in your life.


  • Blue Kyanite is a power stone of communication and self-expression. If there are truths in your past that need to be expressed, this stone can help you find the words and the courage to speak them.

  • If it's been difficult for you to express yourself, then this stone can help you find new ways to tell your story so that others can understand.

  • The energy of Blue Kyanite can also help you explore past life issues that may be affecting you in the present time, allowing insights into emotional problems or belief systems that are no longer helpful.