Shaman Dream Quartz & The 7 Chakras

Crystal healers, channelers, and other energy-based practitioners have long promoted the idea of using crystals to unblock and balance each one of the chakras. But how do you know which crystals you should use?
And how do you know where to place them? Shaman Dream Quartz is the crystal for you. It's a crystal that can help to unblock your chakras and balance you as a whole.

 Shaman Dream Quartz & Chakras 

The Shaman Dream Quartz is a rock used in crystal healing. This rock has 7 chakras corresponding to the physical and energy bodies. Shaman Dream Quartz helps open up your 7 chakras, which will help you achieve balance. The Shaman Dream Quartz also helps with unblocking your chakras so that you can achieve harmony between your mind, body, and spirit.

This crystal shines especially bright in the third eye, crown, and heart areas, which are all associated with opening up your chakra systems. Chakras are energy centers in your body—you have seven of them in total, from your base chakra at the bottom to your crown chakra at the top. Each one is associated with a specific color and a specific element: orange= Earth, yellow= Air, red= Fire, indigo= Water, green= Wood, light blue= Metal, and purple= Spirit.

Shaman Dream Quartz helps you bring those elements into balance within yourself by promoting healing between all seven of your chakras. Best of all is that it doesn't require any tools or rituals to utilize; place it behind or in front of you while meditating on any matter that relates to balancing.

Shaman Dream Quartz crystals are not only stunning pieces of art. They are also powerful chakra unblockers and chakra balancers. The power of the Shaman Dream Quartz is all about its shape: rectangular with rounded edges. This shape helps create an energetic pathway from one part of your body to another, meaning that each crystal can help facilitate energy flow in or out of the body's chakras. That means if you need help balancing a specific part of yourself or your life, like restoring a balance between your mind and body or unblocking an emotional blockage, then a Shaman Dream Quartz can help!

Shaman Dream Quartz Crystals & Chakra Balancing

This powerful crystal gateway to the Universal Life Force while opening a channel between the dream state and physical reality. Chakras are energy centers in your body—you have seven of them in total, from your base chakra at the bottom to your crown chakra at the top.
Shaman Dream Quartz helps you bring those elements into balance within yourself by promoting healing between all seven of your chakras. Best of all is that it doesn't require any tools or rituals to utilize; simply place it behind or in front of you while meditating on any matter that relates to balancing.

This is an excellent choice for those just starting in the energy healing realm and who want something that will work in harmony with all of their chakras. The Shaman Dream Quartz is a powerful crystal that can help you unblock any chakra, balance them all simultaneously, and connect with beings from other dimensions. The Shaman Dream Quartz can also be used to communicate with beings from other dimensions and enhance your ability to lucid dream.

The Shaman Dream Quartz is a rock used in crystal healing. This rock has 7 chakras corresponding to the physical and energy bodies. Shaman Dream Quartz helps open up your 7 chakras, which will help you achieve balance. The Shaman Dream Quartz also helps with unblocking your chakras so that you can achieve harmony between your mind, body, and spirit.

Shaman Dream Quartz and all 7 Chakras


Shaman Dream Quartz chakra unblocking and balancing, Shaman Dream Quartz to cleanse negative energy: these are just a few of the many uses for this versatile crystal. One of the most common usages of Dream Quartz is to alleviate pain from the body's chakras. If you're feeling blocked in one or more of the seven chakras, you can use Dream Quartz to balance them out. By placing it over your chakra and using Reiki on it, you can help it perform its function as an energy storage unit. If you're experiencing any pain in your body, it may be due to an imbalance in one or more of these seven essential points. The pain may be physical or mental: if it's physical, try working with a Dream Quartz crystal over the affected area; if it's mental, try a Shaman Dream Quartz to stimulate the chakra that corresponds with that emotion. If you find yourself encountering negative energy or spirits, place a Shaman Dream Quartz near them, and they will be absorbed into the stone. This can also be done with positive energy if you'd like to retain it for later use or send it on its way as a gift back to nature!

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