Phantom Amethyst

Amethyst Phantom Quartz is such a special and unique healing crystal. Phantoms inside a crystal are like a storyline of the crystal's life, showing its evolution and transformations in its lifetime. The Smokey phantoms are mineral deposits that appear in places where the growth of the amethyst crystal was interrupted. Next, the dark mineral deposits begin to grow crystals; that is why they call it phantom. The Smokey's development inside the Amethyst makes this such a special, unique, and powerful crystal.

Listen to The Top Benefits of Phantom Amethyst Podcast Episode

Amethyst Phantom Quartz is a powerful crystal that will promote spiritual growth, especially if you have hit the wall and need that little extra push to move you forward. Smokey Phantom Amethyst meaning inspires you to release things in your past that hold you back and encourage you to move forward and experience personal growth. Amethyst phantoms trigger the release of blockages and old emotional wounds that we may not even be aware of.

Phantom Amethyst is a tool for any Spiritual Healing, Energy Work, and Rituals. With its Violet Ray Crown Chakra energy, Phantom Amethyst will help take you to the highest realms and receive powerful divination and wise ancient spirit energy. This high vibration Crystal is an excellent tool for any altar, sacred space, or room.

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