Citrine Metaphysical and Healing Properties
What is Citrine?
Citrine is a variety of quartz whose color ranges from a pale yellow to brown due to ferric impurities. Natural citrines are rare; most commercial citrines are heat-treated amethysts or smoky quartzes. However, a heat-treated amethyst will have small lines in the crystal, as opposed to a natural citrine's cloudy or smokey appearance. It is nearly impossible to differentiate between cut citrine and yellow topaz visually, but they differ in hardness. Brazil is the leading producer of citrine, with much of its production coming from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The name is derived from Latin citrus (“lemon”)
In the 20th century, Brazil became the biggest producer of gemstone grade Citrine and today almost all Citrine available on the market comes from that country
Citrine Properties
Citrine Properties
Citrine is a transparent quartz, ranging from pale yellow to golden yellow, honey or almost brown, orange or orange-red. The color is due to the presence of iron in different valency states.
The name “citrine” comes from the French word citron which means lemon.
Scientific Properties of Citrine
Citrine is made of silicon dioxide (SiO2) and has a trigonal crystal system. It's transparent, with a refractive index of 1.54-1.55 and a specific gravity of 2.65-2.66 gm/cm3. Citrine can be found in various shades of yellow, orange, golden brown to brownish red, but yellow citrine is the most desirable for jewelry purposes and other uses because it's generally free from inclusions and its color is more even than that of amethyst or smoky quartz from which citrine gets its name (citrus).
The color range for Citrine is from:
Colorless to Pale Yellow
Orange to Brownish-Red
Metaphysical Properties of Citrine
Metaphysical Properties of Citrine
Citrine is a stone of light, happiness and abundance. It never needs cleansing or clearing because it doesn't absorb any negative energy or vibrations. Citrine is a symbol of wealth and health. It is known as the merchant's stone because it attracts prosperity and new opportunities in business. Citrine is also known to be good for overall health, including digestion issues and weight loss.
Citrine is a quartz crystal that has been enhanced with heat, but some stones are naturally heat treated by the sun through years of exposure to high temperatures within the earth’s crust (only about one-third of natural citrine crystals are naturally yellow).
Citrine is a stone of manifestation, imagination and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, this happy crystal is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring warming the earth after winter's cold; awakening all living things from their dormancy. Its radiating energy promotes joy in life by helping one to find optimism, hope in others' goodwill, generosity towards oneself and others, plus an appreciation for each day's simple pleasures that make up our daily lives.
Citrine Meaning
Citrine is a beautiful gemstone that can be yellow, orange, or even brown in color. The name Citrine comes from the French word citron which means lemon. There are many metaphysical and healing properties attributed to Citrine. It's an alternate birthstone for November, along with topaz and pearl.
Magical Properties of Citrine
Citrine is a stone of abundance, prosperity and good fortune. It brings joy and optimism, allowing the wearer to remain positive even in the face of adverse situations. Citrine helps to dissipate fear, calm anxiety and protect the wearer from negative energy.
Citrine is associated with the sun and therefore can be used in rituals where solar magic is required. Citrine also corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra (3rd Chakra) which makes it useful in magical rituals that concern willpower, self-confidence, self-esteem and manifestation on one's own terms.
Zodiac/Astrological Properties of Citrine
Citrine Healing Properties
Citrine is associated with the astrological sign of Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Citrine is also the planetary stone for the Sun and the planet Mercury. Citrine is also associated with the element of air.
Citrine Chakra Properties
Citrine vibrates to the Solar Plexus Chakra. This is the stone of prosperity, which helps to manifest abundance in our lives. Citrine balances our energies and also stimulates the mind, helping us to overcome fear, anxiety and phobias.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is where we find our personal power, our ability to be confident and in control of our lives. Citrine helps us to feel more positive about ourselves and positive about life in general. It's a happy stone that boosts self esteem and confidence by enhancing feelings of creative power, personal identity and self actualization.
Citrine Healing Properties
Citrine Healing Properties
Said to be effective in increasing, magnifying and clarifying personal power and energy, citrine is beneficial in healing on the emotional level. It can help strengthen the nervous system and balance out cellular disorders. Citrine also works to overcome depression, self-doubt, anger and irrational mood swings. It helps you discover your inner strength by banishing negative energy from within yourself. If you have suffered a trauma or loss, wear citrine to aid in your emotional recovery and promote a sense of calmness and clarity.
Citrine Spiritual Healing Energy
Citrine is a powerful stone for anyone working on manifesting their desires to become a reality. This is because it's linked to the Solar Plexus chakra, which allows you to feel more in control of your life and helps you to gain a sense of inner peace. The Solar Plexus chakra is also where we hold ourselves back from being our true self through our limiting beliefs and negative thoughts. By carrying citrine with you, or meditating with it over your Solar Plexus chakra, you'll be able to identify these limiting beliefs as they come up, so that you can release them and move forward with ease.
Citrine has been called the "manifestation stone" because it helps us attract what we truly want in life. It really will help you receive all the abundance that this universe has to offer!
Citrine Emotional Healing Energy
Citrine is known to help you feel calm and balanced even when there is a lot going on. Citrine promotes happiness, optimism, and joy. It helps you feel more open to receiving love. Citrine encourages self-confidence and self-expression. It can also help you feel more in control of your life and your emotions.
Citrine Goddess Crystal
Associated Goddesses: Lakshmi, Artemis, Hera, Arianrhod and Brigid.
Citrine is associated with the Goddess Lakshmi who represents good fortune, abundance and prosperity. Lakshmi teaches us self-respect and to value ourselves as well as others. Citrine can remove negative energy from your environment and transmute it into clear positive energy.
Citrine is also associated with the Goddess Artemis who was known for her independence, purity of heart and spirit, her nurturing abilities as well as protection for women in childbirth. Citrine is used to invoke the energy of Artemis because of its ability to dispel emotional negativity.
Citrine is also a stone associated with the Greek Goddess Hera bestowing prosperity on married couples by encouraging harmony within the relationship by stimulating strength and clarity in communication between partners.
As one of the birthstones for November citrine has been honored through the ages by being worn by royalty or those seeking power or wealth since Roman times where tiaras were made from citrine because it was believed to grant them courage in battle or negotiations in business dealings!
Citrine, one of the best-known members of the quartz family, gets its name from the French word "citron," meaning lemon, and is sometimes called 'the commercial stone' because it is typically found in commercial sizes and tends to lend itself to cutting into large gems.
Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz, and is the birthstone of November. The golden amber color of citrine makes it a popular gem for jewelry, and it has been used in this manner since antiquity. Citrine is often sold as a less expensive alternative to the peridot gemstone, which also occurs in varying shades of greenish yellow.
A form of quartz whose crystals are usually large enough for faceting, citrine may be transparent to translucent; some varieties have smoky inclusions that make them more appropriate for carving than use as gems. Citrine cleaves with difficulty and is a fairly hard stone.
Citrine occurs in a broad range of colors including brownish orange to yellowish orange to reddish orange.
Citrine occurs in a broad range of colors including brownish orange to yellowish orange to reddish orange. The best are the reddish orange shades, and the most prized is the cognac or dark golden shade.
The color of citrine can vary depending on where it originated. Citrine's color tends to be even all throughout, but some have uneven coloring or irregular patches of color within. Citrine can appear in many different sizes and shapes. Most are small tumbled stones that are easy to find at affordable prices, but larger citrines can be quite expensive because they are rarer finds.
The most prized color is cognac or dark golden shades.
Citrine is a quartz that can have a variety of hues from yellow to orange to brown. The color depends on its iron content, with the most common being a pale yellow. Darker shades of citrine are more desirable, especially cognac or dark golden shades. When buying citrine you need to be aware of the color saturation. A darker shade of citrine will usually have a greater value than a lighter version of the same tone. Colorless citrine is extremely rare, so if you find some you've struck gold!
On occasion citrine needs to be heat treated in order to improve its color. These stones are still natural as they haven't been colored using other means such as irradiation or dyes; rather they have simply undergone an improvement process known as heat treatment which has made them more attractive and thus more valuable.
The best citrines are from Bolivia and Madagascar.
It's important to be an educated consumer, especially when it comes to gems and jewelry. And while a lot of the factors that make certain stones more valuable than others are out of your control, you can do some research on where different gems are located—and know what that means for the stone.
For example: citrine. Brazil produces most of the world's citrine, but collectors prize stones from Madagascar for their warmth and superior quality. Citrine from Bolivia is also quite rare, and gemologists have noted higher quality stones coming from there.
Citrine is an alternate birthstone for November, along with topaz and pearl.
Citrine may be an alternate birthstone for November, along with topaz and pearl. Birthstones are gemstones that correspond to the month of birth, and are thought to bring good luck or have healing properties.
Topaz has a few different colors associated with different months throughout the year: yellow topaz is its traditional color, but blue topaz is a December birthstone. White topaz is sometimes mistaken for diamonds in jewelry pieces, because of their similar appearance. The most valuable form of gemstone-quality topaz takes on a pink hue—this form of the stone is called Imperial Topaz.
Citrine's vibrational frequency is tied to the solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is the energy center located just above the navel and is associated with vitality, willpower and confidence. Citrine can help you feel more energized. It's also a stone that relates to manifestation and abundance.
Citrine carries the color vibration of yellow and is associated with the sun.
In addition to its metaphysical properties, citrine is thought to symbolize health and wealth when worn or carried.
Citrine is a powerful cleanser and regenerator, carrying the power of the sun. This is an exceedingly beneficial stone. It is warming, energizing and highly creative. It never needs cleansing. It absorbs, transmutes, dissipates and grounds negative energy and is therefore extremely protective for the environment. Citrine is one of only two crystals on Earth that never needs to be cleared or cleansed (the other being Kyanite). Citrine has been called “The Merchant’s Stone” because it brings good fortune with money-making ventures, entrepreneurial endeavors as well as creativity in businesses large and small.
In addition to its metaphysical properties, citrine is thought to symbolize health and wealth when worn or carried. The wearing of citrine jewelry helps keep financial prosperity present in the wearer’s life. As such it may help manifest prosperity through visualization or increase your personal creative abilities so that you can earn more money through self-expression and artistic talents like singing or writing – this crystal assists you in achieving success in business as well as all other aspects of your life!
Citrine can help you think more clearly and feel more calm even if you have a lot going on.
Citrine is a highly calming stone with amazing powers of clarity and focus. A great healer, citrine works on balancing your emotions and stabilizing your mood. It also strengthens your self-confidence, helps you feel more organized, and improves your body’s immune system. Citrine is also an excellent stone for physical healing as it stimulates the blood circulation in your entire body.