Aqamarine Metaphyscial and Healing Properties
What is Aquamarine?
What is Aquamarine?
Aquamarine comes from two Latin words - aqua (water) and marina (the sea). This gemstone can be found in a wide range of colors from light to dark blue. The bluer the stone, the more valuable it is. It's part of the beryl family, which includes emerald and morganite.
Aquamarine Properties
Aquamarine is a member of the Beryl mineral group, and is a light blue variety. Aquamarine comes in a wide range of shades of blue, from very pale to deep ocean blue. It can also show greenish hues (which are called “Maxixe”), or be completely colorless, but most commonly it has a beautiful intense deep blue color like the sea.
In terms of cut, Aquamarine can be faceted into brilliant cuts and step cuts that resemble emerald cuts. Pure Aquamarines have no defects, which means they can be cut into large stones weighing hundreds of carats that are still transparent enough to use for jewelry. Some specimens even reach over 300 carats! The largest known Aquamarine was about 24,000 carats; this crystal was mined in Brazil and is now on display at the Smithsonian museum in Washington D.C.
Aquamarines are usually found with rounded crystals similar to “morganite” or bixbite (also varieties of beryl), but rarely occur as sharp terminated crystal points like emeralds do. This shape makes them very suitable for cutting cabochons or carving into beads for jewelry. Aquamarine is often confused with other gemstones such as turquoise and topaz; however it differs significantly in both chemical composition and hardness
Scientific Properties of Aquamarine
The scientific properties of Aquamarine are that it is a beryllium aluminium cyclosilicate. It is the most common type of Beryl. Beryl is commonly colourless, but may be naturally coloured by impurities; pure beryl is colourless and known as goshenite. Pure aquamarine is transparent, but it is often found in opaque lumps or crystals. It occurs in many different colours: white, yellow, orange, red-orange, green and blue. Blue Beryl can also be known as Aquamarine and when there are darker tones of blue in comparison to the lighter tones then this can sometimes be referred to as Maxixe.
Metaphysical Properties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine is the stone of the sea god, Neptune. It is also connected to Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea.
In ancient times, Aquamarine was thought to protect against poison. In Rome it was carried to ward off evil spirits and illness. It has been associated with many gods, including Aphrodite and Athena.
Aquamarine Meaning
Aquamarine is also reputed to have a soothing influence on married couples, helping them to remain faithful and honest with one another. In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids, and was used by sailors as a talisman of good luck, fearlessness and protection. It was also considered a stone of eternal youth and happiness. Today it protects all who travel by water, whether sailing or cruising, or if our work takes us near water.
Aquamarine guards the psyche from taking on dark vibrations and negative behavioral patterns. If you find yourself stuck in any kind of rut that does not allow for positive growth in either relationships or business matters or career pursuits, Aquamarine will assist you in breaking free from old patterns so that you can move forward with new ideas that are more beneficial for your personal evolution.
Magical Properties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Its calming energies reduce stress and quiet the mind. Aquamarine has an affinity with sensitive people. It can invoke tolerance of others and overcomes judgmentalism, giving support to those overwhelmed by responsibility. Clarifies perception, sharpens the intellect and clears confusion. Useful for closure on all levels. Promotes self-expression. Soothes fears and increases sensitivity. Sharpens intuition and opens clairvoyance. Wonderful for meditation. Shields the aura and aligns the chakras.
Zodiac/Astrological Properties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine is a stormy blue stone that is related to the Sea God Neptune. This association makes it ideal for those who have a love of the ocean, or who may even make their living from the sea. It has long been associated with sailors, believing that it would keep them safe at sea and guarantee a prosperous voyage.
As you may expect, Aquamarine's associations make it beneficial for anyone whose life depends on the ocean, such as fishermen and sailors. It's also excellent for those working in marine biology careers where one might be exposed to salt water and storms on a daily basis. Any work in which one must have direct contact with the elements should consider wearing Aquamarine jewelry as they go about their day. This can include people like firemen, police officers and pilots.
Aquamarine Chakra Properties
Aquamarine is a stone that can help to balance and clear the Throat Chakra. Your Throat Chakra is located at the bottom of your throat and if it becomes out-of-balance, you may have difficulty expressing yourself or standing up for yourself. The Throat Chakra is connected to the color blue and can be healed by wearing blue jewelry.
Aquamarine is also a stone that can help to balance and clear the Third Eye Chakra. Your Third Eye Chakra is located in between your eyebrows and if it becomes out-of-balance, you may have difficulties with concentration or with trusting your intuition. This Chakra connects to the color indigo/dark blue, so heal it by wearing these colors on your body!
Aquamarine Healing Properties
The Aquamarine stone is comprised of Beryllium Aluminum Silicate, and can vary in color from blue to green.
Aquamarine is a very strong stone for healing, as it can cleanse and align the chakras, bringing serenity and peace.
Aquamarine is known as a stone of courage and fortitude that can bring great power.
It reduces stress and calms the mind.
Aquamarine’s high energy also promotes compassion, understanding, tolerance of others, quick response to situations and constructive expression of emotions. It also enhances one’s creativity by bringing clarity of thought. It reduces stress levels in one’s life and eliminates excessive anger or fear based on past experiences. This quality makes it a wonderful gemstone for releasing old mental or emotional patterns that are no longer useful or necessary to hold onto in life. It brings peace, harmony to the wearer, which helps you bring calmness into any situation you encounter in your day-to-day activities.
Aquamarine Spiritual Healing Energy
Aquamarine is known for bringing about a deep sense of serenity, calming and soothing the nervous system. It’s also a stone of courage, imbuing one with fortitude to speak up for oneself in any situation. Aquamarine brings about a meditative state that can be both introspective and expansive, helping one to see the bigger picture while maintaining sharp focus on the details in front of them.
Aquamarine is said to be able to help one see their own true nature, as well as others’. It is known for inspiring compassionate action and service in pursuit of peace. Aquamarine can also promote lasting happiness in married couples by demonstrating how one should help their partner grow and become better rather than trying to change them. This stone helps facilitate tolerance and acceptance of others by empowering you to accept yourself fully with love and compassion, thereby easing judgmental thoughts towards other people brought on by fear or insecurity. Aquamarine is especially beneficial for sensitive artists who have trouble accepting their work without self-criticism because it represents the universal life force flowing through all living things, including us humans, who are comprised of 70% water!
Aquamarine Emotional Healing Energy
Aquamarine is a calming stone as it helps to release any emotional trauma and aids in balancing emotions. It creates more emotional awareness, which will then bring up unpleasant memories or negative feelings that need to be released. Aquamarine is a great healing stone especially for emotional issues as it helps to heal emotional wounds and then assists in releasing any emotional baggage that you no longer need. It gives you the ability to "move on" from a feeling or experience, once the healing has taken place.
The energy of aquamarine brings about inner peace, which in turn brings about emotional stability. If you are feeling fearful of something or someone, this crystal can help you to release that fear so that you can move forward with your life more freely.
If you are grieving over the loss of someone close to you, this crystal will help ease your grief so that it doesn't overwhelm you. The healing energy of aquamarine also helps those who have been depressed or have suffered from an addiction problem by bringing them peace within themselves and allowing them to forgive themselves for whatever they may have done during their depression or addiction.
Aquamarine Goddess Crystal
Aquamarine is the stone of the sea god, Neptune. He was said to have created it by transforming his beautiful sea nymphs into stones. They became aquamarine and had the coloring of the sea.
Aquamarine is also connected to Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Poseidon was king of Atlantis and ruled over many other seas as well. He created storms and earthquakes by striking his trident against the ground or water.
A number of other gods have been associated with aquamarine as well, including Aphrodite, Athena, Hera and Venus. The gemstone was considered a symbol of happiness in marriage for Roman brides, who wore it during their weddings. Brides throughout Europe wore aquamarines as tokens of goodwill during marriage in medieval times; they were believed to guarantee that a bride would remain faithful to her groom.
Aquamarine is the stone of the sea god, Neptune.
The aquamarine is the stone of the sea god, Neptune. It is also connected to Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. The Romans associated it with Neptune as well. In fact, any water deity was closely associated with aquamarine. The ancient Egyptians called it "the gem of the sea."
This gemstone has been closely associated with many gods and goddesses, including Aphrodite and Athena. Aquamarine was thought to grant mermaids their singing voices, thus making it a popular stone among sailors who hoped to be granted safe passage over waters that were home to such beings.
It is also connected to Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea.
In Greek mythology, aquamarine is connected to Poseidon, the god of the sea. He is depicted as a mature man with a sturdy figure and dark beard carrying a trident (a three-pronged fisherman's spear). The great god would calm rough seas with his trident and ensure smooth sailing. It was also thought that he created horses. In some accounts, Poseidon fathered Theseus, father of the Minotaur and founder-king of Athens. Poseidon was often depicted riding in a chariot pulled by hippocampus (creatures having the upper body of a horse and the lower body of a fish).
Aquamarine has been associated with many gods, including Aphrodite and Athena.
According to legend, aquamarine was discovered within the treasure chest of fabulous mermaids. Aquamarine is known as a "frozen drop of the sea." This is the reason why it has been associated with many gods, including Aphrodite and Athena.
Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty), upon seeing aquamarine, decided that it should be a symbol of youth and happiness.
Athena (the goddess of wisdom and strength) used aquamarine in her breastplate because she believed that it gave her foresight and protection in battle.
In Rome, it was thought to protect against poisoning.
Aquamarine was also believed to protect sailors, as well as to guarantee a safe voyage. In ancient Rome, it was thought to protect against poisoning. Today it protects all who travel by, over, or near water, and opens the channels of clear and heartfelt communication. It is a stone of courage and protection that brings clarity of mind and a calming influence.
The ancient Egyptians believed that aquamarine could help promote everlasting youth and happiness.
The ancient Egyptians believed that aquamarine could help promote everlasting youth and happiness. The stone was used in the Egyptian treasuries and in bracelets worn by the pharaohs. The stones were considered to be symbols of the gods, specifically Thoth who was the god of wisdom and Osiris who was the god of fertility, life and death.
The ancient Greeks believed that aquamarine had been washed into existence from a mermaid’s treasure chest. Greek sailors would wear jewellery made from aquamarine to protect them on their voyages across dangerous seas.
The Romans believed that this stone would keep marriages happy, and would prevent husbands from being unfaithful to their wives, it was also used as protection against poisoning. It is said that wearing an aquamarine ring on your left hand will make you more cheerful!
Aquamarine represents the throat chakra, which controls intuition and communication.
Aquamarine represents the throat chakra, which controls intuition and communication. If your throat chakra is unbalanced, you may have trouble speaking your truth or be unable to communicate emotionally. Aquamarine will help reprogram this energy center so you can communicate in a healthy way.
Try thinking about aquamarine as a crystal that will help you express your true self clearly and bravely. The cool tones of aquamarine are gentle, calming, and soothing to the spirit—which makes it an ideal stone for communication and helps set the stage for honest conversations with others. Other stones with similar meanings are turquoise and blue lace agate.
It is sometimes used as a tool to aid lucid dreaming and astral travel.
Place Aquamarine under your pillow, or wear it as a pendant when sleeping to aid in lucid dreaming and astral travel. It will help you attune to the spiritual realms and remember dreams.
Aquamarine is also very useful for meditation, especially those concerned with reconnecting to the Divine Feminine forces of the Universe. It can help you attune to higher realms, developing psychic awareness and intuition -- along with helping you access past life memories.
It is considered highly effective at helping one with public speaking or other forms of communication when worn next to the throat.
Aqamarine is a communication stone that helps you to get in touch with the divine forces of the universe, and will assist you in communicating with all levels of consciousness.
This stone is considered highly effective at helping one with public speaking or other forms of communication when worn next to the throat (especially as a pendant).
It has long been associated with water, and it is considered to be a stone of the sea god, Neptune. It is also associated with Aphrodite and Athena.
It is said to be an excellent aid for lucid dreaming, meditation, astral travel and shamanic journeying.
Aquamarine can help generate a deep meditative state and relieve stress.
The ancient lore of aquamarine is vast and varied. Its name comes from the Latin for seawater, and it was said to calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. It was also believed to enhance the happiness of marriages. Today, crystal healers recommend aquamarine for its calming effect, helping those who are over-stimulated or overwhelmed by responsibility to relax, release tension and escape anxiety.
Aquamarine is a beautiful blue stone that invites you on a spiritual quest. In ancient lore, Aquamarine was believed to be the treasure of mermaids and used by them to protect against storms. The stone carries this symbolism today — it’s an aid in finding your true path in life, whether through physical travel or through inner journeys in meditation or dreams
The stone is said to bring about lasting happiness in married couples, as well as attract friends who will prove loyal over time.
Aquamarine is used in rituals involving love and romance, as well as fidelity.
for those currently in a relationship, the stone is said to bring about lasting happiness in married couples, as well as attract friends who will prove loyal over time. The crystal contains many of the qualities one would look for in a partner: honesty, integrity, bravery, and compassion.
In addition to increasing love and friendship between romantic partners or close friends, it also enhances the bond experienced between brothers and sisters, parents and children (especially mothers), grandparents and grandchildren.
In India, aquamarine was given to pregnant women as a protective amulet.
In India, aquamarine was given to pregnant women as a protective amulet. It was also regarded as a symbol of youth and happiness. During the middle ages, aquamarine was thought to be a stone of averting misfortune and ensuring good health.
This stone assists in communication between all levels of consciousness on any subject
This stone, which is an extremely powerful one, assists in communication between all levels of consciousness on any subject. It helps overcome the fear of speaking and public speaking. It promotes verbal self-expression. Many who are or have been tongue-tied find Aquamarine will help them to speak clearly without stuttering or embarrassment. This stone also stimulates analytical capabilities and can bring repressed emotions to the surface for healing.
Aquamarine can also bring about clarity of mind when confronted with conflicting concepts, ideas or beliefs. It encourages one to think independently and take responsibility for oneself by not being afraid to express one’s own thoughts and feelings be it orally or in writing. Aquamarine is a stone of courage – helping you to recognise when your own needs must take precedence over those of others; encouraging independence and self-reliance; assisting in overcoming judgmental behavior by opening yourself up to other points of view; dispelling prejudice, quieting the mind and reducing stress levels; calming fears while restoring equilibrium in times of turmoil; helping you let go of old patterns that no longer serve you so that new ones may be embraced; allowing you to remain steady though experiencing physical pain, emotional anguish, mental confusion or spiritual upheaval